Monday, May 28, 2012

Since I last posted things have continued as expected but with one new complication that may or may not be related to my treatments. My right leg has become swollen to almost three times normal size. I made a visit to ER, now wearing TED stocking and I have an appointment on Wednesday for a lymphangiogram. There is a possibility that I have something called lymphedema, which occurs after the type of surgery that I had and after radiation treatments. A blue dye will be injected via the webbing between my toes and then after about 15 minutes or so the dye will reveal the lymph channels at which time incisions will be made and a tube will be inserted and another dye will flow up the body. An xray (fluroscope) is then done. This will make for an interesting week as the blue dye last for awhile with skin and vision affected! A Smurf!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Six more weeks to go and then I get a break..well, at least from the active treatment portion. I will have a couple of scans and lymph node biopsies to determine where I stand and what will be the next course of action. Surprisingly, I am feeling a lot better than feared. Tired, yes! Loss of appetite, yes! Hair loss, minimal! Weight loss, YES! Still anemic and potassium level has dropped again, plus I have developed some infections but I can deal with it.