Sunday, October 9, 2016

Post Surgery Posting

Surgery on 10/26/16 went well (even with the 12 hours that it took) I was the model patient, giving all members of the team the opportunity to participate in the fun. I am told that the prep team "liked" the Pokemon(temporary tattoo on my neck) and gave me an appropriate haircut in thanks, Surgery team one was efficient, aligning the new incision up closely to the prior incision and almost met their time for completion of the procedure( a time out when BP shot up) and the second team was quick to adjust the planned laparoscopic to an open procedure to cut the time. Post surgical unit (despite some surprises) handled the care with efficiency that speaks well for the professional on the team and had me on my feet by Wednesday and home four days post surgery! And a big thank you to those of you who donate blood!!

Staples/stitches out last Friday and things look good. I get to rest for a couple of weeks before a scan and then plan out the future.

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