Friday, June 24, 2016

Summer Break!

Results from liver biopsy were good! Based on the most recent scans, the main tumor has not shown any change so I am being given a break for the next few weeks with no treatments. I will go in once a month for some lab work and scan but I get to relax and enjoy a summer!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Michael Jackson - Heal The World

Heal The World

My heart cries for those affected by the senseless shooting in Orlando but I refuse to jump on the anti-Islam bandwagon. I am more inclined to get behind the stronger gun laws and anti-discrimination movements. Learning about and learning to accept other cultures would seem the better option. Getting help for those with mental illness rather than stigmatizing the mentally ill as somehow not worthy to be part of the community. Be it Christian, Muslim, Jew or any other religion, if someone professes believe in that religion and then uses it as a justification for violence, it is that person who is sick and not the religion.I look at the group known as ISIS or ISIL. as a cult. A cult that draws in the weak minded and in no way is a true representation of the Muslim religion.

Let Us Pray for Mankind!

Enough with the hatred of those who are not our mirror image. Enough with the easy access to weapons. Enough with the bureaucratic red tape required to get help for mental health issues. Enough with blaming the race or religion of the perpetrator.

Monday, June 6, 2016