Saturday, September 24, 2022

#Dimash - The Story of One Sky

Wow! Powerful! I got chills watching it. I really connected with the message of the song. For many years, I have voiced my opinion (perhaps to the dismay of some) that it was time for the people to not blindly follow those who are in powerful lead roles. We must remember that those who take on these roles should truly represent the people and not use the power of the position for their own agenda. It is time for people to recognize that we have much more in common with each other than differences. Imagine a world where everyone put aside petty squabbles and worked to improve how the citizens of this world are living.  There are so many issues that could be solved if we worked together. If we said no to war and choose life!

Thursday, September 8, 2022

【一公练习室】Dimash尚九熙吴建豪Van Ness Wu王晰徐志贤BIE张晓龙 | 追光吧!Shine! Super Brothers S2...

Time to be Dimashed!

This one was pure fun to watch as there was a lot of talent in that room.