Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Recovery Continues

Each day I find that my accident is cause for my mailman to deliver stacks of letters from lawyers and chiropratic clinics seeking to assist me with my recovery. Each one cautions me about dealing with the insurance company and with other lawyers, etc who claim to be able to help me.

Now I have no plans at this time to even use their services, I am slowing recovering from the injury ( some things just take longer as you get older) and most lawyers want you to continue seeing a doctor until claim is settled. I don't like going to a doctor unless I have no other option and as for now I find that Tylenol PM, Advil, and cold compresses are working for me.

If the pain continues or gets worse then I will follow their advice.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Time Goes By

It has been quite some time since I last posted on here and much has happened. I am now semi-retired so you would think that I would have lots of time to post but alas I find that I am trying to catch up on so many other aspects of life that I had let slide and then I simply get exhausted thinking about things.

I have managed to get some writing done on my children's story and that does continue to go well. I have worked on organizing all of my photos, a major undertaking. Things have been hampered by an accident a couple of weeks ago. I was crossing the street when hit by a truck, the driver was on his cell phone and did not see me. I had bruises from chest to knee, a mild concussion, one broken rib, back contusions..the back and right knee continue to bother me but this I think will ease with time.