Friday, September 10, 2010

9 Years Ago

It does not seem like it has been that long. I still cry when I start to think about the day. And what a beautiful day it had started out to be, with the weather being that wonderful late summer warm with just the hint of the approaching fall. I was working and a co-worker kept a small television on her desk to catch the morning news shows. It was her exclamation that drew me away from my desk and to the rapidly growing crowd of workers that surrounded the small TV. All attempts to concentrate on work ceased when the second plane hit the tower.

My thoughts immediately went to my friends living in New York and I quickly sent out an email to try and reach one of them and find some comfort in hearing a first hand report. I did not hear back until late the following day but since he was a reporter I did catch glimpses during the day that assured me that at least he was okay. The email, however, brought the news that a dear friend had been one of the many victims of that day. We had lost touch after college and marriage, careers took us in different directions. My grief included the sadness of years missed without the hope now of being able to reconnect.

A year later I reached out to her children and they kindly offered me a part in their lives.

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