Wednesday, January 19, 2011

State of the Union

Today in Washington, the House passed a bill to repeal the much sought after health-care reform that was passed in 2010. As it was something sought during several administration I can only conclude that the repeal is simply based on its not having been passed during a GOP administration and the fact that it was not supported by the major insurance companies who have historically supported the GOP candidates with their money.(I worked for 20 years in the insurance industry and at a level that I sat in on meetings where these agendas were discussed.) If you look carefully at the planned reform and not just the political blurbs, you will see that it does favor the citizen over the large corporations that have controlled health care access and cost for years. Unfortunately we have, for the most part, become a country of uninformed voters who will support a party line based on one issue agreement rather than looking at each issue with a fresh eye.

In another, partisan act, a ranking member of the GOP stated that he would not attend functions for China's President Hu. How do they expect to improve relations and therefore be in a better position to influence how this, one of the largest developing nations, merges into the world community.

It is time that our government and We, The People, remember that they are suppose to be working for us when they sit in Washington.

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