Thursday, August 16, 2012

Finish Line In Sight!

Next week will be, hopefully, my last treatment! I have been lucky in that most of the side effects have been minimal, some more aches, lack of appetite, and fatigue. When I see the struggle that some of my fellow patients are going through I count myself very lucky.
It has been a journey of over a year since I first starting having some symptoms. First there was the comforting words of "nothing to really worry about..this is quite common, let's just watch it." and then there was the massive hemorrhaging in December with emergency surgery and the diagnosis of cancer and the referral to Carbone. The "don't worry" doctor called me recently to ask me to schedule my annual physical and a follow-up to my little problem. I know that it was not her fault that I had cancer but a small part of me questions why she and her staff made so little of it and do I really want to go back to her office?

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