Saturday, January 12, 2013

A New Year..

A new year is a gift, one that should not be viewed as just another year but as a chance to improve not only yourself but the world around you. Take a look back at last year, what mistakes were made, what would you do differently if given the chance? Take a look of your weak points and think about how you could improve upon them. Don't be too hard on yourself but be honest! Make a "bucket" list or if you have one already, review and revise! Put it in writing as studies have shown that writing down a project goal sets the brain up to start working on it.(Your goals should be something that You want to do and not something that someone else wants you to do.) Don't try to make all of the changes at once..a sure way of not keeping your resolutions. "Focus - If you chase two rabbits, both will escape." Set target dates throughout the year. Break big goals down into manageable steps. Want to lose weight..don't think in terms of the big number but set a realistic monthly goal. Writing a book..set a goal of so many pages per day and then don't kick yourself if you fall short but get back to it. Get help from friends who have the same or similar goals. That support will help all of you move toward accomplishing the goals set forth. Make time to work on your goals. Don't fall back on the excuse of "I just don't have the time". Look for the time wasters in your life and eliminate or cutback on them. Give yourself a visual reminder of what you want to accomplish.Find inspiring quotes, motivating pictures, or anything that reminds you of your goal and collage these bits n' pieces together on paper and place it where you can see it! Move outside your comfort zone. You won't make that home run if you fear leaving the comfort of first base! If you fall short on a goal, don't discard it but look at what went wrong, revise, and rework the goal. Record your successes and failures.Reward yourself for goals met but do not punish yourself for those that fell short. Don't let the naysayers prevent you from moving forward. Simply smile and ignore them. Look for small ways that you can get involved in projects that help others. Doing even little things to help others goes a long way toward making you feel better about yourself. "Attitude - Whether you think you can or you think you can't.... you're right."

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