Saturday, March 26, 2016

The C Word

When you are "fighting" cancer, you are in fact in a battle with your own body or at least with the rebel cell faction. When I was first diagnosed and went through the surgery and following chemo/radiation treatments, I thought I had won the battle. Subsequent checkups proved me wrong and the rebel cells were regrouping and so the battle goes on. There have been good days and bad days and so far the good have outnumbered the bad. I still find myself hesitant when asked in greeting, "how are you?" I catch myself before telling them just how I am doing on those bad days. There have been days when pain has been so severe that I want to give up and then a friend will send me a text and suddenly the world seems worthwhile again. On April 1 (right the fool's day) I am going to have another surgery so I am gearing up for victory!

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