Friday, May 24, 2019

Another Surgery!

It is almost becoming routine. The testing, the consultation with my doctor, the recommendation of a new means to contain those demon cells.This time the team is going to make another attempt to tackle the pesky tumor that sits at the base of the skull.Radiation and chemo, both, contained it but it still present a problem because of the location.

I no longer cry as I have found, that for me, tears serve no purpose. However, there is stress made known by the spike in the BP and there are bouts of depression. I continue to wonder if I am being punished for some past life experience as I have racked my brain and in this life, while I have made mistakes, I don't think I deserve a lingering punishment such as this has been. If it is a test, then surely I have passed the test by now.

With A Little Help From Friends

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