Monday, August 8, 2022

#Carter | My Review

3/5 rating
I had looked forward with a great deal of excitement to the premier of the Netflix "Carter". However, I did not find it to be as good as I had hoped, and it is not Joo Won's fault. The action scenes were well choreographed, and he did not seem to miss a beat while doing them. The single shot filming style, while dizzying at time, was also well done.  Where it fell short for me was the storyline which almost seemed to have had multiple changes in writers, with each not knowing where the story was first intended to go. Also, the decision by whoever, to overdub the actor's voices rather than using subtitles was a poor decision. With all that said, he looked absolutely fit so his sessions at the gym really paid off. I look forward to his next project and hope that it is one that gives a better showing of his skills.  

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