Sunday, October 3, 2010

First Frost

When I got up this morning and stepped out onto the back deck, I could still see traces of the light frost from the night before as it slowly gave over to the sun. And though the sun was bright, the temperature never made it beyond the low 60's so I spent most of the day sitting in a pool on sunlight, curled on the couch with afghan and book.

I am reading bit and pieces of Jimmy Carter's White House Diary. It is one of those books that you do not have to read from first page to last but simply pick a date that interests you and go from there. Carter was very straight forward with his documentation of his days in Office and pulled to punches in putting down how he truly felt. It was interesting to read about his thoughts on the day that Reagan was sworn into office and he stood next to him, looking as if he was not at all following the ceremony. In fact,as he states it his thought were all on the hostage negotiations and he was praying that there would be no last minute change of mind from Iran that would leave the delicate negotiations in the hands of one who would screw it up. As we all know there was no last minute change of mind and the hostages were freed and Reagan gladly took the credit for it.

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