Sunday, September 30, 2012

White Rabbit Remembrance

Today was a day for remembering and I read through some of the messages sent to me by a dear friend. This was one of the last that I received. Little did I know that the time remaining would be so short. White Rabbit "You know I love you, right? But you are not the love of my least not this life. You are something deeper than that…I guess you are what they call a soul mate and I think that we have been and will be part of each others lives no matter where or when......."
Seems like to me the stars don't shine so bright, Seems like to me the sun has lost its light, Seems like to me there's nothing going right, Since you went away. Seems like to me the sky ain't half so blue, Seems like to me that everything wants you, Seems like to me I don't know what to do, Since you went away. And everything is wrong, The day is twice as long, And the bird's forgot his song, Seems like to me I just can't help but sigh, Seems like to me my throat keeps getting dry, Seems like to me a tear stays in my eye, Since you went away. Take care my friend until we meet once again.......

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