Monday, November 5, 2012


Tomorrow is election day and every voter has not only the right but the duty to vote, however, one thing that I have noticed with every election and that is the comments that start flooding the social sites right after the election that go somewhat like this, "the election is over now so can we get back to just having fun in here" or "okay no more political discussion until next election." I fear that it is this kind of mindset that is partially responsible for the pre-election crumbling about politician, promising one thing and not delivering on that promise. We tend to put our blinders back on and wait for something big to happen before we start our grumbling again. If there are issues that were important to you during the campaign process, then I suggest that rather than sitting back and hoping that the elected officials will do things the way you want, that you continue to be involved. Call, write, follow what is going on and voice your opinions loud and clear. As Lincoln noted, this is a Government, of the people,by the people, and for the people!

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