Ceara sat before the blazing peat fire, watching as smoke curled up and out the chimney. It was on nights like this when the west wind blew in, carrying with it storms, that her thoughts turned to family or rather her lack of family. Her mother had died at her birth and her father, not knowing what to do with a small girl child, had delivered her over to the care of his friend Merlin and had disappeared. From time to time treasures were sent back from the various times and places where he wandered but what she wanted most of all, a day to day father, was not to be. Now it was not as if her childhood was lonely or miserable. How could it be in the household of Merlin? For a time she had even had a playmate, a young lad by the name of Arthur, but all too soon he was sent away to act as squire to a nobleman in a distant land. Against all laws of wizardry, the great Merlin had begun to instruct her in the art of magic.
Ceara learned all that Merlin thought to teach her. She learned to mix potions, cast minor spells and best of all to communicate with the animals of the forest. And then in the summer of her fifteenth year everything changed.
Merlin disappeared.
Now as a wizard, he had done this many times, often going to check on young Arthur but this time he did not return. Ceara continued her chores and worked on her studies in Merlin's workshop, each day checking the glow of the great crystal ball that dominated the room. As days passed the glow of the crystal grew dimmer indicating that something was preventing Merlin’s return.
Ceara felt as if she was truly alone now.
At first Ceara maintained the pretense to visitors that Merlin was only away on a short visit and was expected back at anytime. She would make up the requested potions but would advise them that she would ask Merlin to consider their request for a spell casting when next she talked with him. Later after the visitor had left Ceara would go into Merlin's Workshop and pull down his great book of spells, find the appropriate entry and cast the requested spell. What Merlin had taught her had been greatly enhanced by her own ability to learn from all that was around her but sometimes the spells did not always work the way they were suppose to work and disgruntled villagers would show up to complain.
One morning the baker's wife had wanted a spell to make her daughter more beautiful in order to catch the eye of the Mayor's son. She returned the next day, bringing along a lovely white mare. Ceara had only asked in her spell that the girl be made to resemble the son's heart's desire. Little did she know that he had been trying to convince his father to let him purchase a new horse and had his heart set on a lovely white mare that he had seen recently at a fair.
Ceara asked that the girl/horse be left in her care and she would see that the spell was reversed as soon as Merlin came home. That evening, she cast spell after spell until the girl was returned to herself and quickly fled toward home. The next morning the Mayor and a group of the leading citizens arrived at the cottage demanding to speak to Merlin. Upon discovering that he was not there and that Ceara had been casting the spells herself the angry group demanded that she leave the village. And so packing the few possessions that she could carry with her and casting a final spell to ensure the security of Merlin's home, Ceara started on a journey that would bring with it many adventures. So off she went, her pack slung over her back and Merlin’s cat, Marric, scampering behind. Ceara had no idea where she was going but simply placed one foot in front of the other and headed off toward the setting sun.
Ceara traveled for several hours. She finally stopped for the night beside a quiet pond. After eating a small meal of the bread and cheese from her pack, she settled down for the night. The sounds of nature and the soft light of the moon lulled her to sleep. As she slept the word of her presence sped through the forest.
The warmth of the early morning sun upon her face woke Ceara from her dreams. Dreams of magical places, dreams that were still so real that Ceara decided to seek them out. With a smile on her face, she again set out not noticing the whispering rustle of the wind in the grass as it raced ahead of her. The path twisted and turned, following the rush of a stream through the forest. The sun was high as she passed through the brambles and thin oaks at the forest edge and stepped from the cool shade of the trees. Ceara stopped, startled at what lay before her. In the small clearing just at the edge of the forest the path split, going north, south and west. Ceara stopped to rest beneath the shade of three trees.
“A good day for a journey I would say.”
Ceara was startled to hear a voice coming from the trees and looked about to see who was talking. It was then that she noticed that each of the trees appeared to have a face. Two were watching her with interest while the third slept.
As Ceara stood there without speaking one of the trees began to impatiently tap his foot. “What are you waiting for girl? We don’t have all day? If you have a question spit it out!”
"I am but a traveler and do not know what lies ahead.”
“To the west lies the great sea, to the north lies the mountains and to the south lies the endless desert."
"Which way should I go?"
Two of the trees quickly whispered to each other and then one turned toward Ceara and spoke, "You should go to the mountains. That is where your path leads." The other nodded, "Yes, to the mountains you must go."
"Thank you." Ceara said and once again putting her pack on her back started down the path to the north and toward the mountains. As she disappeared down the path, the third tree woke up.
"Has she arrived yet?" he asked, looking around.
"Oh yes. She has come and gone. We gave her directions and she is on her way."
"Good....once she reaches the sea she will find what she is seeking."
"The sea?" asked the first tree. "But we sent her to the mountains."
"Oh my no. Not to the mountains....never to the mountains!" and the tree grew agitated and leaves began to drop and whirl about him. "Not the mountains...oh, my! Oh, my!"
The northern path led along the edge of the forest, thru a valley and slowly climbed the mountainside. Ceara knew that it would take several days of travel before she reached the foothills but now that she had a destination in mind her footsteps were lighter and she moved forward with a purpose.
The valley was a rich green, spotted with the colors of many flowers and lay spread out in front of her like jewels before a queen. Marric would race ahead of her, his nose in the air checking out all that lay before them and then would curl up beside the path waiting for her to catch up. And so it was in this manner that they made their way into the valley.
At midday, Ceara once again stopped beside a small stream to eat and rest. As she ate of the bread and cheese from her bag, Marric crouched along the bank of the stream watching the fish swimming nearby and every now and then reaching his paw in as if to catch one. Each time that the fish would safely dart away, he would turn to look back at Ceara as if to say that he had not really wanted to catch it anyway. Suddenly a small fish leaped into the air and flopped onto the grass beside him. A startled Marric turned to Ceara, who only smiled and lay down to rest.
After he had eaten Marric cleaned himself at the stream and then curled up next to her and slept. Both of them unaware of the whisper that raced along on the wind and rippled across the green grass.
The sun was bright and the scent of flowers filled the air as they made their way down and across the valley. Ceara sang a little tune that she had learned from Merlin and it seemed to make the miles go by quickly. When they stopped in the shade of a tree, Ceara had the uneasy feeling of being watched but as she looked about she could not see anyone. Then just as they were about ready to begin their journey again she caught movement out of the corner of her eye.
”Well hello there!" she said to the shy red fox peering out of his hole. “We mean you no harm. We are just passing through here on our way to the great mountain."
"An adventure you are on?" he asked. "I have always wanted to go on one but....." and he peered up at her with big brown eyes..."no one has ever wanted me to go along with them. All of my brothers have gone to seek their futures but I have remained here at home." and he heaved a great sigh.
"You are welcome to join us.” Ceara said as Merric arched his back and hissed. "It will be good to have the extra company."
And the nimble little fox quickly climbed from his hole and waving good bye to his family, joined them on the trail. "Oh my, Oh my...what an adventure for me this will be."
"The name is Rufus the Red and I am grandson of the great explorer Reynard. I am sure that you have heard of him." And Rufus continued to chatter on about the amazing adventures of his grandpere. "Why once he even journey to the Dark Continent and met a man who lived in the trees among great hairy creatures and grandpere said that it was difficult to tell him from the creatures and his call would send shivers down your spine." The miles went by quickly as Ceara listened to his tales while Merric, with a bored glance back at them, scampered ahead on the trail.
"Stories to tell my own grandchildren one day, that is what I am after." Rounding a bend, Ceara suddenly stopped and Rufus ran into her. Picking himself up off the ground he peered round her to see why she had stopped and there standing in the middle of nowhere was a tall tower. Singing could be heard coming from within the tower.
"Hello" Ceara called and the face of a young maiden appeared at the tower window.
"Company! Oh how wonderful. Do come in for a spot of tea." and with that a stone panel moved and a passage way with stairs was revealed. Over tea and crumpets the maiden, Rapunzel by name, told how she came to be in the tower." My guardian wished for me to marry the king of a far off land but my heart was given to the prince next door and when I refused I was sent here until I changed my mind."
The story was interrupted by the sound of a voice calling from below the window. "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your golden hair." And with a smile Rapunzel raced over to a chest near the window and pulled out a long rope which appeared to be made from golden hair. She quickly attached it to a ring on the stone wall and then to the small coronet on the back of her head. With a smile she turned back to Ceara and her friends. "He does not know about the stairway and this makes him feel so brave." and she tossed the end of the rope out the window.
Ceara, Merric and Rufus quickly descended the stairway and as they stepped outside the door closed behind them without a trace. When they were once again on the path, Ceara turned to look back at the tower and could see the young prince making his way slowly up the side of the tower as a smiling, golden haired maiden looked down at him.
The trio resumed their journey through the lush green valley. Flowers bloomed while butterflies fluttered about and birds sang from the trees or soared above in the bright blue sky. They soon reached a small wooded glade near a waterfall and stopped for a rest. Rufus curled up for a nap and Ceara sat back to enjoy the beauty that was all round them Merric went off to explore the nearby stream. He sat at the edge of the water and watched as fish swam lazily about in the clear water. Looking out across the pond, he thought that he spied a frog wearing a crown but knew that could not be so he stretched out further for a better look.
Rufus mumbled in his sleep and Ceara smiled as she wondered about the dreams that ran through his mind. Suddenly Ceara heard a loud splash and saw Merric tumble into the pond. With a quick snap of her fingers, she had him back up on the bank looking only a little the worse for his misadventure.
“I think that you need to sit over here in the sunshine and dry off before we continue our journey.” Merric shook himself, sending water flying about and waking up Rufus. On a nearby lily pad, a frog wearing a small, golden crown jumped away.
As Rufus stretched he caught sight of what appeared to be a small, brown boy running along the road. Behind him ran a rag-taggle group of people and animals led by a little old woman and a little old man. The young boy called out as he ran, “Run, run, fast as you can. You can’t catch me for I’m the Gingerbread Man!” Suddenly he stopped at the water’s edge looking for a means to cross to the other side.
“Climb on my back.” Said Rufus, “and I will swim to the other side.” Glancing back to where the crowd could be seen running toward him the Gingerbread Man turn to Rufus.
Promise to get me safely to the other side?” and he climbed upon the back of the small fox. Rufus quickly slid into the water and began to swim toward the opposite shore.
“The water is quite deep here. I fear that I might get wet!” said the little man.
"Can you stand on my head, Gingerbread Man, or you will get wet." So the gingerbread man pulled himself up and stood on the fox's head.
The current became stronger and once more the little man cried out in fear, “The water is lapping at my feet!”
"Can you move on to my nose, Gingerbread Man, so that I can carry you more safely? I would not like you to drown."
The gingerbread man hesitated. “You won’t eat me, will you?”
“Of course not, I am a fox of my word and I will see you safely to the other side.” And with that the gingerbread man slid onto Rufus’s nose and they continued to the other shore. The little man climbed down and said, “I will owe you a favor and hope to repay it one day.” He turned, scampering away and calling back, “run, run, fast as you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man!”
Meanwhile Ceara was comforting the old man and the old woman over the loss of the fine gingerbread man that they had planned to take to the nearby castle as a gift for the Princess. The King had offered the hand of his daughter in marriage to the person who could make her laugh and the couple had hoped that their gift would insure that their son would win her hand.
Ceara decided to join them as visit the castle to watch the festivities. Along the way they encountered many others heading toward the castle. Some were knights in armor, others were entertainers of various sorts and Ceara delighted in listening to their tales of adventure as the journey toward the castle continued.
”I am invited to all of the great tournaments and my balancing act is surpassed by none. I have just returned from walking atop the Great Wall of China. With such an accomplishment I have no fear of the measly wall about this castle!” boasted the Wonderful Humpty Dumpty.
Soon the towers of the castle could be seen. Banners waved in the bright sunlight and the crowds grew larger as merchants lined the roadway, hawking their ware. The travelers began to find spots to set up their tents and to prepare for the coming tournament. Ceara and her friends continued on to the castle gates.
Tournament after tournament took place and with each event the King became more frustrated as his daughter continued to show no interest. "All day long the people of my kingdom are enjoying themselves and yet I can not bring a smile to the lips of my own child. The Queen and I have given her everything that a princess could want but still she is not content."
“Last year we were able to find a bride for our son with little problem at all” exclaimed the Queen, “a lovely girl even if she did complain of the bumps in her mattress.” Ceara promised the King and Queen that she would have an answer for them the next morning.
That evening while the Court and all the visitors reveled in the Great Hall, Ceara sat in her room gazing into a crystal ball. There she saw the image of a young man hurrying toward the castle. In his arms he held a goose and clinging to his jacket was an old woman, running to keep up with him. Clinging to the old woman's apron was a tailor and to him clung a scullery maid and so on, as a human chain made its way to the castle... Ceara put the crystal ball away and returned to the castle's great hall to watch the evening's entertainment, secure in the knowledge that by morning all would be well with the young princess. The vision within Merlin's crystal clearly showed a visitor approaching the castle who would present a sight that even the Princess could not resist. Ceara also knew that the presentation of the Goose Who Laid the Golden Egg to the King would insure prosperity and a place at court for the young man.
The King had spared no expense in presenting entertainment for his guest. There was a great feast followed by a display of fireworks presented by a traveler from the Far East, musicians from the south performed while a dancer twirled about and a famed opera singer sang an aria. Even Rufus got into the act.
Merric, meanwhile, had gone down to the depths of the castle, searching for adventure in that curious manner of cats. As he approached the bottom of the stone steps he could hear the scurrying sound of little feet and he quietly crept toward the doorway. As he drew nearer the sound became clearer. It sounded like the rattling of bare tree branches in the wind. A light glowed from the end of the long tunnel like hallway. Merric crept closer and closer until at last he stood before an open doorway. There is the light cast by a single candle he saw a strange cloaked figure and heard a strange chanting sound. Merric, the cat of a wizard, recognized the chanting of a spell.
Suddenly from the dark recesses of the room came the sound that had drawn Merric here and from the darkness came a strange and frightening sight.
The sound of rattling bones was heard as skeletons rose from the dungeon floors and began to move about the room. The chanting stopped and the bones crumbled back to the floor. “Soon” said the wizard as he turned to the doorway.
Merric filed what he had seen in the back of his mind. One day he might have need of this information but for now he was going to check out the castles mouse population and headed in the direction of the kitchen.
The kitchen had been a scene of frantic activity early in the evening when he had looked in but now all way quiet. The kitchen cat and the char boy lay sleeping beside the fireplace. Most of the food from the banquet had been eaten and what had not been eaten had been cleared away. Merric went to explore the larder for where there was food; mice could not be far away.
A large cheese wheel sat on the cooling shelf but something else caught his eye. In the corner was a mousetrap and in the trap was a piece of cheese. Staring at the cheese and muttering to himself was a mouse.
“Ah the wonders of cheese! And sprung cheese is by far the best.” And with a flick of his paws the trap snapped and the cheese flew across the room…landing right at Merric’s feet.
“What do we have here? A thief in the Royal Pantry?” and with a small squeak the little mouse began to race across the kitchen floor with Merric close behind him.
And then with a pounce Merric snatched up the little mouse, and with a quick toss the little mouse was in his mouth only Merric’s jaws were being held apart and try as he might he could not close them.
“Spare me Sir Cat as I am the only support for my three brothers and if you do I will give you a meal unlike any that you have had before and I will tell you wonderful tales of adventure while you dine.”
Amid all the excitement in the Great Hall, Ceara did not notice the cloaked figure that stood in the shadows of the gallery high above the hall watching her.
Early the next morning, Ceara, Merric and Rufus bid farewell to the King and his family and resumed their journey toward the mountains.
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