Sunday, November 14, 2010

We The People

I did my part. I let my voice be heard prior to the mid-term elections. I supported my choice. I encouraged others to get involved in the process. I voted.My candidates lost. I should be feeling defeated but I am not. Instead there is a renewed interest in getting people involved.

All of the analysis of the election results show that voters were disappointed in how the incumbents had handled issues that were important to them. Most political analyst will tell you that it is next to impossible to get anything of importance changed quickly without stepping on some feet. This administration did  step on some feet but with what had to be done in such a short time it was necessary. If you look at the full scope of what was accomplished this has been an administration that did what was needed at the time regardless of how special interest groups and the member of certain media groups might portray these accomplishments. . Obama has been doing what was needed to give us that jump start to recovery.
The last President to do as much was Lyndon JohnsonIf we expect and hope that there will be more moving forward during the balance of the current administration, then we as The People, must continue to make our voices heard between elections. Make sure that your representatives here from you and let them know that their continued occupation of an office is directly dependent upon how well they represent all of their constituents and just those with the large bank accounts. Let them know that you expect them to work together as a project team with all other representative and not just those of their party. Compromise might be necessary and should not be thought of as poor politics. Some times changes must be made in small steps. Those who vote strictly by party should find themselves in trouble when the next elections rolls around. It is time to change the way that we are represented. It is time for WE, THE PEOPLE, to do our part. Get the Facts. Speak up! Be Heard!

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