Tuesday, January 10, 2012

No Regrets

I have added a new item to my bucket list.As some of you know I was recently hospitalized due to massive bleeding. As a result of that it was discovered that I have endometrial cancer. On 1/11, I will be going to the Carbone Cancer Center at UW Hospital to meet with the team of oncologist that will be working with me.. At that time they will determine staging and the treatment options. The doctors at Carbone have a great reputation and I am going into this with full confidence and will do whatever it takes and worry about how to finance it later. There is no price tag that I can place on wanting to live out a healthy life with my family and friends.

And while I do not think that doctors are gods, (sorry JJ) I do believe that a mighty hand guides them as they work and I am a believer in the power of prayer. I hope you will keep me in your thought and prayers and I will use this as a challenge to strike some things off of my bucket list. #1 Kick the hell our of cancer!

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