Monday, June 25, 2012

Longer Presidential Term

Every election year when the incumbant is eligible for re-election, no matter who the President is, I always feel, to some degree, like 4 years is not enough time to figure out if the guy did his job or not. Whenever we get a new President, it seems like the first year or so is all about turning the government in a different direction, so not a whole lot really gets accomplished. Then you've got maybe a year to 18 months where you can see a new direction defined and starting to come together (whether you like it or not). Then, during the last 18 months to two years, so much time and energy is directed at campaigning for re-election. I'd like to know what you think about a six year Presidential term, retaining the "two consecutive terms in office" maximum. Via a friend who is currently living in Korea, I learned that the "legal" time in which a candidate for office can campaign is limited to 23 days in Korea. They feel that is time enough for a candidate to let the voters know enough about him to make a choice. Wow..think about it...less than a month of political ads..wouldn't that be great! And with all the communications means that are now at their disposal, I think it would be adequate time here in the USA.

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