Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Window Shopping

..that is I am looking at windows but also for the house in which they sit. During this real estate surfing I have quickly noted that certain terms used by Realtor are in no way defined as we might think. Take for instance the word "cute". When used in real estate lingo it could mean anything from a small but charming abode to a postage stamp size dwelling or even one that has features that are beyond description. The pepto pink house is described as cute because the realtor was at a loss for any other terms to describe what had to be a Mary Kay/Barbie nightmare house.
Ideal for young family means "don't expect much" from this listing. Won't last long means it is overpriced and the owner really wants to unload it.

Executive means that it is pricey and has more space than anyone really needs in a home. Investment property tends to mean that you will need to do a lot before you will see any return on your money.

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