Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ebay Vultures

Today I was in a toy store and observed what some would call greed, some call enterprise, and some would simply consider it crazy. Two men came in and proceeded to load their shopping carts with zhu zhu hamsters. Now if you are not familiar with these creatures, they are plush toys with AI and come with all sorts of little extras just like a live hamster might require. The promotion of the toy has resulted in fantastic sales, much like the early Cabbage Patch Doll hysteria. Stores that get them in stock, sell out within hours and I am sure that eBay will have many reselling of this item as the profiteers seek to get something from the parent who just has to get the latest fad for their child.

Now I have had the opportunity to play with these and with some of the other AI toys and they are great. Missing is the actual interaction and learning experience that a child would get from the real thing but for many the draw is the fun without the fuss. But would I pay beyond the regular cost just to ensure that I get one at this time? No, I would not because I know that as with most fads they will soon come down in price, the lines of people jocking to get the most recent versions will disappear and if the toy is still one that I simply must have then I am sure that I can find it and at a reasonable price. So for profiteers will get any of my money for these cute little guys...

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