Friday, July 29, 2011

The Big C

After weeks of worrying and internet search of my symptons, I gave in to a friend's plea and went to see a doctor. After about 6 hours of testing which included a pelvic ultra-sound (uterine wall 10X thicker than norm), She scheduled me for a biopsy. During the procedure, the doctor performing the biopsy kept up a rapid converation about everything from weather to travel, peppering this converasation with comments such as "now this might hurt just a little" and "remember you are in control". She had to do the procedure twice as the first time there was not enough tissue captured for the pathologist. Afterwards I was given the usual post-procedure instructions about pain management and when to seek help for any complications. I was told not to start worrying and that I should have results in less than a week.

Now how does one go home and not worry..once again my fingers starting doing the internet "walk" on all possible reasons for the syomptoms and while there were many other than cancer, it is difficult to wait for the results without having a Big C scenario playing in your head

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