Thursday, July 14, 2011

Winter Solistice

This year the winter solstice (shorted day/longest night) will occur on 12/21 at 23:38 GMT. It last for just a moment but is celebrated as the turning point from autumn to winter.  In reality it is simply the point in time when the earth's  tilt is the furthest from the sun. In some areas of the world this does not bring the winter season as the begining  and ending of a season has no basis in science but is determined by the cultural calendar. In some cultures, winter begins on Novemeber 1 and spring takes over on February 1. In my world winter begins on December 21/22  and ends on March 21/22 even if Mother Nature tries to spread her love of cold and snow to two other seasons.

1 comment:

  1. For some reason this post was floating out in space..only to appear today. :-)
