Thursday, July 21, 2011

How hot is it?

Your GPS will only give you directions north.

I am not a winter person so the summer months are my favorite large utility bill for heat as Mother Nature can take care of the task but with
temperatures close to triple-digit over the last few days I have become a reluctant user of AC. I have tried tricks like getting the house to just the right comfort level, closing doors, drawing blinds and then turning off the AC until my dog starts panting which is the signal to turn the AC back on for awhile.

My outdoor activity is limited but I enjoy the feel of the warm deck on my bare feet as I water my "pot" garden and delight in how the plants have responded to the heat and humidity with rapid growth. Yesterday, just for the fun of it, I decided to give my house a bath and hosed it down from top to bottom and like a little kid enjoyed the back spray.

My one worry with this heat is for the fledgling bird that still nests under my front porch canopy. I imagine that the heat up there must be intense but whenever I check his little head can be seen peaking from the nest.

The weather has also given the area some interesting cloud formations that seem to speak of heat as well.

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