Thursday, July 7, 2011

Friends With Benefits

Recently two of my Facebook friends used the term "friends with benefits". There is a current usage of this term that has a sexual connotation but I started thinking about the people that I have met over the years and those that became friends were a direct result of the "benefits" that we could offer each other.

Studies have shown that people with friends are more likely to survive a serious illness than those without friends. Stress is more manageable when you can talk to friends. People who interact with others, face to face, by phone, mail/e-mail, via social networks tend to live longer and healthier lives.

A good friend is more likely to point out health concerns and persuade you to seek medical assistance when you might be reluctant. Friends can help you kick bad habits, maintain that diet, get exercise, and get involved in other activities that keep you young at heart. Research has shown that having a diverse group of friends can boost resistance to many viral infections.

Loneliness feeds on itself. The more you stay by yourself the more anxious one becomes in social settings. This is a major issue among the elderly who have outlived many of those that were close to them. Losing ones spouse/partner after retiring and relocating can be more difficult when there are not friend to turn to for comfort and for providing the encouragement needed to get back into living your life.

It is important to maintain or renew contact with friends/family who can serve as links to your own history.

Friends can make us laugh when we are feeling low.They can give us courage when facing a life changing decision. Friends can make us feel invincible to life's blows and enable to see them as temporary setbacks.

Friends can give us the confidence to dream and to strive toward making those dreams reality. Friends lighten our day with humor. Give us honest answers to tough questions about ourselves. Friends give us a shoulder to lean on when needed, help us to dry our tears. We can share embarrassing secrets with our friends.

So do I have friends with benefits? The answer is yes!

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