Sunday, February 19, 2012


Lately I have been having a series of strange dreams..or at least the parts that I can remember are strange. They have no apparent connection to my real world and I wake with a start from them.

Dream #1 had me riding in a car, going at a high speed when suddenly the car plunges over a cliff and I am thrown from the vehicle and I awaken as I am airborne.

Dream #2 in this dream I am riding in a horse-drawn carriage that tips as it goes around a curve and I awaken just as the carriage is rolling.

Dream #3 I am walking along a wooded path when suddenly the wind picks up and then there is a loud roll of thunder and lightening flashes quite near. I wake up just as it strikes near me.

The one theme that all have in common seems to be a sense of danger so I suppose this might have something to do with anxiety over the approaching surgery.

The endless testing prior to surgery and the delays I am sure have increased that anxiety. When your doctor starts showing some concerns it is only natural to mirror some of that even if it is only while sleeping.

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