Friday, February 17, 2012

Test and More Test

Yesterday was a day of test and still more test at UW Hospital. My arm is black and blue from all of the poking done in the hematology department. I did a stress test in cardiology and I know I flunked that one as I barely made five minutes on the treadmill before they stopped the test. I am sure that lack of sleep the night before had something to do with that and it will be repeated prior to surgery. There was another pelvic exam..oh so much fun! Dr K explained to me that because I have a "tipped" uterus that will make the procedure a little trickier but still well within his comfort zone.

Seeing the image of what is meant by "tipped" helps me understand why all of my pregnancies resulted in back labor.

Next week I will be having an MRI and more blood work done. The $ meter keeps right on ticking away with the "not covered" just over $8000 plus whatever will not be covered from the most recent testing.

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