Thursday, July 29, 2010
Under Seige
Later that evening my son went out to investigate and found that indeed they had build a nest inside the door frame. Friends have given me suggestions on how to rid myself of these squatters...go on a road trip and lose them to a new territory..smoke them out...get some Raid and hit them in the dead of night. As of today, they still control the car.....
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Google Goes Wild
(Refer back to my posting of July 6, 2010)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Mystery Shopping
Life holds so many things to do that when ever someone tells me that they are bored I have to shake my head in disbelief. When I feel that malaise start to creep into my mind I simply look about me and soon I find something to change my way of thinking about the day. For example, the long time exercise of “window shopping” has now been turned into my personal adventure as a customer service critic. I carry a little notebook with me and as I shop I take note of the overall service level of a business. Do they greet me with a smile and an offer of assistance? Do they simply wait for me to approach them? Are they overly aggressive in their approach? Is the layout of products such that it makes my shopping experience easy or is there a cluttered atmosphere such as boxes and debris to be maneuvered around?
For example, on a trip to the local Target I discovered that they were doing some remodeling and departments were no longer where I was used to seeing them. There was no directory to point me in the direction so it was up to me to wander about trying to find the items I wanted. During this search I came across a display of items that were marked as reduced and among them was a wine rack. Now having just received a “wine of the month” gift, this was an item that I could use. However, there was only the one that was on the display. I looked about the area to find a sales associate and soon came across a young man who was putting items out in the area. I asked if they had any more of the wine racks, boxed perhaps? He walked over to the display area, looked down and said “don’t know about that” and then turned and walked away. Oh, well on to items that were actually on my shopping list. Upon completing my list and going through the checkout lane, the cashier asked if I had found everything. I mentioned to her about the wine rack and she quickly said “let me check on that for you”. She made a call and soon a manger appeared and hearing the situation he went off and a few minutes later came back with a boxed version of the wine rack. Now in my little notebook this type of experience would have rated a 3-Star, down from a 5-Star because of the confusion with the remodel and the “help” from the young man, however, the service from the cashier earned an extra star giving the visit a 4-star.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Another Year Goes By

In a few short days I will be celebrating another birthday. Now I have never been big on birthday celebration which I think comes from a childhood where the family celebrated my birthday a day late so that they could combine it with a sister who was forced to celebrate hers a day early. Birthdays, therefore, were nothing special. I did celebrate my 21st but that was under pressure from friends and I must admit to not remembering too many details of that event.
When people ask me my age, I have to stop and do a quick calculation, which if the questioner is a doctor, is sure to give them pause. When forced to think of my age and I look around at many of the people I know who are around the same age I am staggered because I had not thought of them as my contemporary. With this said, I am a Boomer and this coming birthday is one which is celebrated with a song by the Beatles...and I wonder, "will you still love me?"
Since the Boomer generation started coming of age (funny how the children of the 60's are now in their 60's) I have spent some time looking at my generation,at what we have accomplished. And I must say that despite the fears of so many of our elders when we were enjoying our youth, I am proud of us, what as a generation we did. Now looking forward I can see that there is still so much to be done, wars are still being fought, the poor are still with us, racism still rears its head now and again, the environment is sorely in need of help. I can only hope that our generation does not take a back seat now, thinking that our work is done, but that we lean our full support of the younger generations and help them to shape a better world. To that I dedicate my coming years.
Friday, July 16, 2010
I Am Woman

This is from my files from back when a friend that I had not seen in years asked me to tell something about myself. The posting now was prompted by my sister telling a little about who she was and that reminded me of this old piece that was actually saved on a floppy.
I am Woman, hear me roar! I am a warrior. I am a peacemaker. I am Tigger. I am Pooh. I am Wise Old Owl. I am gloomy Eyore. I am a shy violet, the bold tiger lily and the questioning daisy, loves me, loves me not. I am a romantic. I am a realist. I am a republicrat. I’m cool. I’m hot! I am the surprise in the box of Cracker Jacks, the cherry on top of the ice cream sundae. I am a fine Boudreaux. I am bubbly Champagne. I am a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a mother and a grandmother. I am a friend. I am a lover. Anything else is still to be discovered.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Peer Power

Recently a friend posted pictures on Facebook from his 40th class reunion. He commented on how changed everyone was and that if not for the name tags he would not have known many of them. In the years since graduation, he had only kept in touch with a few and now via the wonders of the internet has reconnected with a few others.
This got me thinking back to my high school days. Days when everything about you, your clothes, your music, the people you hung out with, were all influenced by a desire to be part of that group. There were very few who made the decision at that age to simply be themselves.
I was one of those lucky enough to be able to move from one group to another but even then I was conscious of how I wanted to be seen by each of those groups. As the fifth member of my family to attend the school, I was met with a preconceived image of who I was and for the most part went along with this image. It was during one year spent away at a different school that I dared to really be me and let some of this show when I returned for my final year at the school.
It was not until I went away to college that I truly let myself free and did not weight every decision on how I thought it would be accepted or rejected by the "IN" kids.
Many of us based our opinion of who we were on the opinions of others. People who no longer matter in our lives. It made me wonder if I would have been a different person had I had the courage back then to simply be me.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Slipped Upon The Banana Peel

In the wake of the sentencing of Lindsay Lohan to 90 days jail and the avalanche of "humorous" posting online, the quick laugh sound bite on the late shows, I started to think about some of the things that we find funny when we are told that it is suppose to be funny by way of how it is being presented to us.
Humor is found in the public dissolution of a marriage, infidelity,political scandal, drug abuse, a young girl spiraling downward. I wonder would we find humor in the situation if, for say, Jay Leno or Letterman were to send one of their "interns" to the site of a horrific air crash and proceed to make jokes about unused frequent flyer miles.
I imagine it is something like the banana peel skits where the humor is somewhat out of relief that it is not us. Even though I can sit back now and think of this, I will find myself indulging in a laugh that is at the expense of someone else. I am not proud of this and would like to think that it is an uncontrolled human reaction rather than a defect in me. I can only strive to be a better person and make every effort not to be the cause of adding to another's pain.
Slow Road to Recovery
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Snail Mail

I just heard that the postal service plans to increase the cost of First Class mail again by 2 cents in January 2011. I glanced over at my supplies and I have a couple of sheets of Forever stamps which I will replenish before the increase. These stamps last me for quite some time as I do very little snail mail. Most of my bills are paid online and unlike in the past I send out very few holiday cards.The most common item in my mail, other than bills, seems to be advertising materials which go directly from the mail into my recycle bin.
Despite the beautiful cards and stationary that is available, not to mention the writing instruments that have come a long way in the area of comfort, I doubt that I will be using many stamps. Sad, I know!
I was never much of a letter writer, strange for someone who loves to write, but I find the physical task of taking pen to paper detrimental to the flow of words. Poor penmanship coupled with an injury to my writing hand makes this a task that I dislike. And there is something impersonal about a letter to a loved one that is not handwritten. Confused? Well, so am I as I feel that if you are going to take the time to put your words to a loved one on paper then you should make it more personal with it being handwritten.
Now the keyboard is a different story as the words flow and my fingers barely notice the task. I wish I was better at the art of letter writing as I do enjoy reading a well-written letter and feel somewhat selfish as I don't expend the same amount of thought in responding. I don't think I am alone in this disability as even the few letters that I receive tend to be more like notes.
As for the business letter or letter of complaint, those I can do with ease and have the skill of putting just the right amount of humor into my complaints or the right amount of righteous indignity to get results. The well written letter of complaint regarding products or services have over the years resulted in refunds, free products, etc. My letters to my Congressman or Senators have always garnered responses. Therefore, I can see spending the time and the stamp to get them delivered.
Perhaps if I work on the art of personal letter writing, looking at it much the same as my other writing rather than a "chore" I will start to send these out once more. I would like to think that I can accomplish this as a goal, something to add to my bucket list. For now, dear friends, you must know that I do care deeply as I put finger to keyboard and with a few quick strokes send my words flying your way!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The Joy of Books
So to the Writers, Publishers, Bookstores, I say, don't forget us, your readers who so enjoy your words in the print on paper format!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Josh Groban - "You Raise Me Up" Official Music Video
I have loved listening to his voice since his discovery. He was amazing then and continues to be one of the most amazing voices that I have heard. It is so pure and makes one feel as if every word was truly meant by him.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Largest July 4th Fireworks Display in America
Since I will not be here to post on the 4th here is a little bit of a show for everyone! Have a great day.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
John Barrowman- Putting It Together Blooper
Still one of my favorite moments..Carol as usual is hilarious. And John's reaction!!!
Fourth of July

It is coming up and everyone that I talk to has plans. As for me, I have seen enough fireworks to last me the rest of my life. At least seeing them as the only attraction of the event. I still love a good concert accompanied by a fireworks display. This year, however, I will be staying at home and listening to some good music, eating some good food, enjoying friends and listening to the sounds of the surrounding parks as they put on a display. The fourth has come to be more about the fireworks and less about the meaning behind the founding of this nation. We, and here I mean our government, for the most part forget these values until it it politic to hold forth.