Thursday, July 29, 2010

Under Seige

During the last few months I have not used my car very often and as a result it has become the home of squatters. I discovered this when I decided on a recent hot day to go out and cool down by washing the car. As I sprayed the exterior I was suddenly swarmed by wasps. Now let me explain, I am allergic to the thing and several years ago had a rather severe reaction to a sting and was told that future reactions could be even worse. With this thought in mind I scrambled inside the hot car and sat waiting for the angry mob to subside. It took several minutes for this to occur and I was able to flee into the house. As I watched from the safety of the house I notice that the wasp were disappearing into the space between the front passenger door and the front fender.

Later that evening my son went out to investigate and found that indeed they had build a nest inside the door frame. Friends have given me suggestions on how to rid myself of these squatters...go on a road trip and lose them to a new territory..smoke them out...get some Raid and hit them in the dead of night.  As of today, they still control the car.....

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