Sunday, July 29, 2012

Happy Birthday Jang Keun Suk

A few weeks after having been diagnosed with cancer , I was introduced to K-drama and to this talented young actor/singer. Watching and listening to him has helped me through many a day when depression threatened. In addition, I was introduced to a wonderful world of others who share a respect for not only his works but his attitude toward life and we have bonded as a result. This group is international in scope, encompasses varied cultures and religions but even though we have differences there is a real sense of friendship that abounds within the group known as EELS. The group supports not only Jang Keun Suk but each other and to me that says a lot about him, so I put together a little tribute for his birthday which is August 4. Happy birthday to Jang Keun Suk!.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Faith versus the organized Church

A few months ago I mentioned to a friend that I disliked most organized Christian churches and was told that I was a hypocrite since I called myself a Christian. I have gone back through both versions of the Bible that I have in my library and I am unable to find any directive given by Jesus to "get organized".

I do find myself to be lacking in my faith to the extent that there is this habit of putting that faith in the back of the mind until something happens that makes me want to call out for help. At this point I am not quite sure how to describe my faith. All I know is that I have always felt that even the theories of evolution go to prove that our existence is part of something greater than all of us. Everything that is upon this planet we call Earth is much to complex and wondrous to have been a matter of chance evolution. I respect the teachings of Jesus, Buddha,Mohammed, and many others who have similar thoughts on how man should behave while on this earth.
I have my piggy-bunny, how about you?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The last for today...I promise!

Good Bye ( Jang Keun Suk)

A.N.JELL Promise (You're Beautiful OST)

Can You Hear Me (Jang Keun Suk)

Just Crazy

Just Crazy

My doctor told me that I would probably develop a fine soft fuzz on my face, like a baby (which would eventually go away). Seriously, can this get any better? I had a colonoscopy with biopsy made for a really crazy morning. Since I had sedation for the procedure and they let me play my new favorite music, Crazy, Crazy by Jang Keun Suk. Nice to see some of the team getting into the music...just wish I had been able to shake it, shake it, shake it!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I want my lucky rabbit's foot back!

...but thanks to the wonderful EMS crew, I was spared a trip to the ER tonight. When I went out to return the carts from the street side I was stung by something..not sure what but area rapidly began to swell, hurt like hell, and I became SOB. A call and they were here in less than 5 minutes, a little shot with the epi, a little O2, and I learned something new...a little toothpaste on the sting and things are almost back to "normal" for me. I really owe it to these guys as they have really been there for me when I needed them. My hat is off to all in that line of work! Before the next collection day, I will need to investigate for possible nest buiilt somewhere on the cart. I do know that there are a lot of the little buggers in this area. If I could only get the spiders to keep them away I just might make friends with the spider!

Monday, July 2, 2012

What Cancer Can Not Do..

Last week I received a gift, a beautiful silver ring engraved with the words: "What Cancer Cannot Do...It cannot invade the soul, suppress memories, kill friendship, destroy peace, conquer the spirit, shatter hope, cripple love, corrode faith, steal eternal life, silence courage". It was a gift from a friend, a friend whom I have yet to meet in person, and came to know via Facebook and the six-degrees of separation found there. He is one of the many friends who have shown me a great deal of love and support as I fight my fight. They have given me courage and have "stood" beside me when I was feeling at my lowest. It is this kind of friendship that gives me hope for this world. There are many fights that can be won, not with the use of weapons, but with kindness. It has given me a new direction for my life's path.

Heat Wave

I do not like Air Conditioning as I find myself sneezing after being in it for any length of time and most places tend to set it too cold for me. For the last couple of days it has been hot here, right now it is 87, so from time to time I have been forced to turn it on. I use it to cool things down and then turn it off and with doors closed, the place stays relatively cool. We have not had any rain, or at least any that amounted to much, so the lawn is browning.(If we do not get rain in the next day or two I will hosed it down.) One of the benefits of the heat minus the rain has been the reduction of breeding grounds for the Wisconsin State "bird", better known as the mosquito.
Last week when I went in for my treatment, I was told that the MRI had shown a couple of areas of concern. Dr K said that it was not panic time but it did need to be investigated further. For about 10 years, I have been hearing from my primary that I should have a proctoscopic exam as part of my routine physical but I always found some reason not to have it done. Now I guess I have no further excuse and will have this performed in two weeks. After the treatment, a good friend showed up and brought me to his home, where i enjoyed a nice lunch by the lake and then took a nap in a hammock in the shade. What better way to spend the post-treatment afternoon!