Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I want my lucky rabbit's foot back!

...but thanks to the wonderful EMS crew, I was spared a trip to the ER tonight. When I went out to return the carts from the street side I was stung by something..not sure what but area rapidly began to swell, hurt like hell, and I became SOB. A call and they were here in less than 5 minutes, a little shot with the epi, a little O2, and I learned something new...a little toothpaste on the sting and things are almost back to "normal" for me. I really owe it to these guys as they have really been there for me when I needed them. My hat is off to all in that line of work! Before the next collection day, I will need to investigate for possible nest buiilt somewhere on the cart. I do know that there are a lot of the little buggers in this area. If I could only get the spiders to keep them away I just might make friends with the spider!

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