Friday, July 27, 2012

Faith versus the organized Church

A few months ago I mentioned to a friend that I disliked most organized Christian churches and was told that I was a hypocrite since I called myself a Christian. I have gone back through both versions of the Bible that I have in my library and I am unable to find any directive given by Jesus to "get organized".

I do find myself to be lacking in my faith to the extent that there is this habit of putting that faith in the back of the mind until something happens that makes me want to call out for help. At this point I am not quite sure how to describe my faith. All I know is that I have always felt that even the theories of evolution go to prove that our existence is part of something greater than all of us. Everything that is upon this planet we call Earth is much to complex and wondrous to have been a matter of chance evolution. I respect the teachings of Jesus, Buddha,Mohammed, and many others who have similar thoughts on how man should behave while on this earth.

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