Tuesday, December 21, 2010
What Makes A Photograph Art.?
I enjoy taking my old, "throw away" photos and by scanning and using programs like Photofilter can salvage part of the picture or even the photo as a whole by using various "artist" tools to manipulate the image. This does not make me in anyway like the many wonderful photographers that start with an image better than my final product and then, perhaps, use these softwares to merely enhance the image not create it.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
High Speed Rail
Our Governor-Elect had said during his campaign that he would kill this project and use the grant money for other needs within the state. He failed to understand that without the project, the money would not be there but would go to another state that was willing to implement the high speed rail project. He, also, failed to understand that the Spanish company that as a result of the project had targeted Milwaukee as the site of their plant to build trains and would create jobs for Wisconsin. Now that company is looking for another state. We need to let Mr Walker know that we have looked behind the curtain and have seen the problems with his plans. Speak out!
Tue, Nov. 30 in La Crosse at the Best Western Riverfront Hotel, 1835 Rose St.
Wed, Dec. 1 in Eau Claire at the Best Western Trail Lodge Hotel, 3340 Monovi Rd,
Thur, Dec. 2 in Fond du Lac at UW-Fond du Lac
Tue, Dec. 7 in Madison at the WisDOT SW Region Office, 2101 Wright St
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Yes, we know that Max and Liz got married but what else happened? Did they continue their quest to save others from the "unit"? Did Isabel get back with Jesse? What happened with Michael and Maria? And let us not forget Kyle, did he get powers? Are they all now superheroes?
There's A Monster In The House
This got me wondering what a dog's dream was like. Does he see images, hear sounds, smell? What is taking place in those dreams when the legs are kicking and he is growling? Does he remember his dreams when he wakes up? What triggers the nightmare versus the peaceful dream? Do other animals dreams?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
How to Dial a Rotary Telephone
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Nature's Illusions
Back at the desk I could once again see it so I was content to simply watch it until later that day another gust of wind sent it sailing away.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Underwire Perils
So why do I wear them? For years I have tried different styles and found that the underwire gives the best look under my garments.I give in to fashion and wear one much like the women who for years suffered with the corset. I know that one of these days I will give in to the urge to once more go bra-less once more but by then I will simply be considered "that eccentric old lady down the road".
Sunday, November 14, 2010
We The People
All of the analysis of the election results show that voters were disappointed in how the incumbents had handled issues that were important to them. Most political analyst will tell you that it is next to impossible to get anything of importance changed quickly without stepping on some feet. This administration did step on some feet but with what had to be done in such a short time it was necessary. If you look at the full scope of what was accomplished this has been an administration that did what was needed at the time regardless of how special interest groups and the member of certain media groups might portray these accomplishments. . Obama has been doing what was needed to give us that jump start to recovery.
The last President to do as much was Lyndon JohnsonIf we expect and hope that there will be more moving forward during the balance of the current administration, then we as The People, must continue to make our voices heard between elections. Make sure that your representatives here from you and let them know that their continued occupation of an office is directly dependent upon how well they represent all of their constituents and just those with the large bank accounts. Let them know that you expect them to work together as a project team with all other representative and not just those of their party. Compromise might be necessary and should not be thought of as poor politics. Some times changes must be made in small steps. Those who vote strictly by party should find themselves in trouble when the next elections rolls around. It is time to change the way that we are represented. It is time for WE, THE PEOPLE, to do our part. Get the Facts. Speak up! Be Heard!
We, The People
All of the analysis of the election results show that voters were disappointed in how the incumbents had handled issues that were important to them. Most political analyst will tell you that it is next to impossible to get anything of importance changed quickly without stepping on some feet and that is what the administration did if you do not look at the full scope of what was accomplished. The last President to do as much was Lyndon Johnson.
If we expect and hope that there will be more moving forward during the balance of the current administration, then we as The People, must continue to make our voices heard between elections. Make sure that your representatives here from you and let them know that their continued occupation of an office is directly dependent upon how well they represent all of their constituents and just those with the large bank accounts. Let them know that you expect them to work together as a project team with all other representative and not just those of their party. Compromise might be necessary and should not be thought of as poor politics. Some times changes must be made in small steps. Those who vote strictly by party should find themselves in trouble when the next elections rolls around. It is time to change the way that we are represented. It is time for WE, THE PEOPLE, to do our part.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Think Pink
I am one of those women. The diagnosis was first given when I was in my early forties. I had yet to have gone in for the recommended baseline mammograms so I was fortunate. My symptom was a simple tingle across the nipple when fabric rubbed and it was not a pleasurable tingle but one that was a daily irritant. I finally mentioned it when seeing my physician for something completed unrelated. Luckily for me, he insisted that it was time for me to have that mammogram and it showed a small tumor lying just behind the nipple. A tumor that I would not have found by self-exam until it had grown much larger. A simple surgery and biopsy confirmed the diagnosis and treatments began. Six weeks of chemo and three years of follow-up care until another tumor was found and again I went through treatments. It has now been over ten years without any further evidence of its return so I call myself a survivor but I have learned to be more careful with my health. I adhere to the prescribed, age appropriate exams.
So wear your Pink and support the cause of cancer research but don't forget to take care of yourself!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
First Frost
I am reading bit and pieces of Jimmy Carter's White House Diary. It is one of those books that you do not have to read from first page to last but simply pick a date that interests you and go from there. Carter was very straight forward with his documentation of his days in Office and pulled to punches in putting down how he truly felt. It was interesting to read about his thoughts on the day that Reagan was sworn into office and he stood next to him, looking as if he was not at all following the ceremony. In fact,as he states it his thought were all on the hostage negotiations and he was praying that there would be no last minute change of mind from Iran that would leave the delicate negotiations in the hands of one who would screw it up. As we all know there was no last minute change of mind and the hostages were freed and Reagan gladly took the credit for it.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Many Worlds & Friendship
As I have each year since 2001, I have thought about friends and family a lot this past weekend. There have been choices made that have altered relationships and the thought of "if I could only go back and do it over.." surfaces. I know that I would not want to go back and do over because each choice made affected something else in my life and the uncertainty of which things would no longer be is the lock on the time machine door.
Friends, unlike family, can decide to no longer be friends or at least to cease being there for the other person. I place a high value upon my friends. They are treasures beyond price and I fight with everything within me to hold on to those friendships. We might not see each other for years, separated by the different paths that we choose but I know that any time that our paths happen to cross that bond of friendship is still there.
And I would like to think that if the "many worlds" theory is true that each of these friends still travel with me on my life's journey. Those that, for one reason or another, choices made, were not as close as one would wish in this world, are the nearest and dearest in one of the other realities.
Friends not made in this world are within my circle there. Losses are spared by different choices that are made. Somewhere out there, in one of these worlds I am with my first love..in another it is the second, and so on. If one thinks on this for any length of time the possibilities are endless and it puts sorrow into the background.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
9 Years Ago
My thoughts immediately went to my friends living in New York and I quickly sent out an email to try and reach one of them and find some comfort in hearing a first hand report. I did not hear back until late the following day but since he was a reporter I did catch glimpses during the day that assured me that at least he was okay. The email, however, brought the news that a dear friend had been one of the many victims of that day. We had lost touch after college and marriage, careers took us in different directions. My grief included the sadness of years missed without the hope now of being able to reconnect.
A year later I reached out to her children and they kindly offered me a part in their lives.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Trying New Things
Recently I began playing with my photos, making slide shows, etc. The above is my first attempt at a new process via Animoto and so far I like their product. It is easy to use and provides a good musical selection as well as allowing for the use of your own music. I just wish that the photo editing process was a little easier to use but I think it will become easier as I do more projects.
Friday, August 20, 2010
And the rain , rain, rain, came down
or perhaps it is more of an Eeyore kind of feeling that is in the air. I watched the weather reports this afternoon and all claimed that the storms would pass north and south of Madison with some small breeze to cool the air. Imagine my surprise when I heard a whoosh, a thump. When I investigated I discovered the wind was blowing quite strongly and had ripped the porch awning up off of its mooring. As I stood watching things blowing down the street the rain came in horizontal sheets. Cars were sending up waves of water toward the students who were just leaving the high school which is across the street. Some made a dash back toward the school while others simply took it in stride and continued on to their cars.
Now rain is the last thing that we need right now but I hold this slim hope that perhaps that there will be less moisture to come during the winter months! :-) One can hope!!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Summer's End
This summer was strange with periods of very hot weather, followed by torrential rains. My grass has never had to be mowed as often as this summer required. And don't even get me started on the mosquito population explosion that was seen toward the end of July and continues this month. As noted in previous blog entries, the insect world and I have an ongoing feud and our worlds have collided more than normal this summer.
Bees, flies (both house and fruit) spiders, lady beetles, earwigs, ants, and mosquitoes have taken up squatters rights around my house. Right now a spider has erected a giant web across the back of my car from antenna to a bush along the drive. He persists in redoing it daily so I imagine he finds that all of my other squatters offer him excellent hunting.
In addition to the insect world, I have several gophers who have made their hole between the paving stones of my front walk and a warren of rabbits that make my yard their own. At night I discover the presence of a somewhat unwelcome prowler, Mr Skunk, and I tend to let him go about his hunt without too much interference. With the end of summer some of these fellow inhabitants of this property will move away but I ask myself what will take their place?
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Little Miss Muffet
I remember as a young girl sitting at a family gathering and seeing a spider dangling from a thin strand of webbing just above my head. At the time I laughed and slid my stool over a few feet, only to see the spider finish coming down and scampering over to where I sat. I moved again, still with a laugh, getting a little less joyful, and once again the spider changed direction, at which point I leaped from the stool and raised across the room just like poor Miss Muffet!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Ceara A Preview of my story (rough draft only)
Now it was not as if her childhood was lonely or miserable. How could it be in the household of Merlin? For a time she had even had a playmate, a young lad by the name of Arthur, but all too soon he was sent away to act as squire to a nobleman in a distant land. Ceara learned all that Merlin thought to teach her. She learned to mix potions, cast minor spells and best of all to communicate with the animals of the forest. And then in the summer of her fifteenth year everything changed.
Merlin disappeared.
Now as a wizard, he had done this many times, often going to check on young Arthur but this time he did not return. Ceara continued her chores and worked on her studies in Merlin's workshop, each day checking the glow of the great crystal ball that dominated the room. As days passed the glow of the crystal grew dimmer indicating that something was preventing Merlin’s return.
Ceara was truly alone now.
At first Ceara maintained the pretense to visitors that Merlin was only away on a short visit and was expected back at anytime. She would make up the requested potions but would advise them that she would ask Merlin to consider their request for a spell casting when next she talked with him. Later after the visitor had left Ceara would go into Merlin's Workshop and pull down his great book of spells, find the appropriate entry and cast the requested spell.
Sometimes the spells did not always work the way they were suppose to work and disgruntled villagers would show up to complain. One morning the baker's wife had wanted a spell to make her daughter more beautiful in order to catch the eye of the Mayor's son. She returned the next day, bringing along a lovely white mare. Ceara had only asked in her spell that the girl be made to resemble the son's heart's desire. Little did she know that he had been trying to convince his father to let him purchase a new horse and had his heart set on a lovely white mare that he had seen recently at a fair.
Ceara asked that the girl/horse be left in her care and she would see that the spell was reversed as soon as Merlin came home. That evening, she cast spell after spell until the girl was returned to herself and quickly fled toward home.
The next morning the Mayor and a group of the leading citizens arrived at the cottage demanding to speak to Merlin. Upon discovering that he was not there and that Ceara had been casting the spells herself the angry group demanded that she leave the village. And so packing the few possessions that she could carry with her and casting a final spell to ensure the security of Merlin's home, Ceara started on a journey that would bring with it many adventures.
So off she went, her pack slung over her back and Merlin’s cat, Marric, scampering behind. Ceara had no idea where she was going but simply placed one foot in front of the other and headed off toward the setting sun.
Ceara traveled for several hours. She finally stopped for the night beside a quiet pond.
After eating a small meal of the bread and cheese from her pack, she settled down for the night. The sounds of nature and the soft light of the moon lulled her to sleep. As she slept the word of her presence sped thru the forest.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Under Seige
Later that evening my son went out to investigate and found that indeed they had build a nest inside the door frame. Friends have given me suggestions on how to rid myself of these squatters...go on a road trip and lose them to a new territory..smoke them out...get some Raid and hit them in the dead of night. As of today, they still control the car.....
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Google Goes Wild
(Refer back to my posting of July 6, 2010)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Mystery Shopping
Life holds so many things to do that when ever someone tells me that they are bored I have to shake my head in disbelief. When I feel that malaise start to creep into my mind I simply look about me and soon I find something to change my way of thinking about the day. For example, the long time exercise of “window shopping” has now been turned into my personal adventure as a customer service critic. I carry a little notebook with me and as I shop I take note of the overall service level of a business. Do they greet me with a smile and an offer of assistance? Do they simply wait for me to approach them? Are they overly aggressive in their approach? Is the layout of products such that it makes my shopping experience easy or is there a cluttered atmosphere such as boxes and debris to be maneuvered around?
For example, on a trip to the local Target I discovered that they were doing some remodeling and departments were no longer where I was used to seeing them. There was no directory to point me in the direction so it was up to me to wander about trying to find the items I wanted. During this search I came across a display of items that were marked as reduced and among them was a wine rack. Now having just received a “wine of the month” gift, this was an item that I could use. However, there was only the one that was on the display. I looked about the area to find a sales associate and soon came across a young man who was putting items out in the area. I asked if they had any more of the wine racks, boxed perhaps? He walked over to the display area, looked down and said “don’t know about that” and then turned and walked away. Oh, well on to items that were actually on my shopping list. Upon completing my list and going through the checkout lane, the cashier asked if I had found everything. I mentioned to her about the wine rack and she quickly said “let me check on that for you”. She made a call and soon a manger appeared and hearing the situation he went off and a few minutes later came back with a boxed version of the wine rack. Now in my little notebook this type of experience would have rated a 3-Star, down from a 5-Star because of the confusion with the remodel and the “help” from the young man, however, the service from the cashier earned an extra star giving the visit a 4-star.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Another Year Goes By

In a few short days I will be celebrating another birthday. Now I have never been big on birthday celebration which I think comes from a childhood where the family celebrated my birthday a day late so that they could combine it with a sister who was forced to celebrate hers a day early. Birthdays, therefore, were nothing special. I did celebrate my 21st but that was under pressure from friends and I must admit to not remembering too many details of that event.
When people ask me my age, I have to stop and do a quick calculation, which if the questioner is a doctor, is sure to give them pause. When forced to think of my age and I look around at many of the people I know who are around the same age I am staggered because I had not thought of them as my contemporary. With this said, I am a Boomer and this coming birthday is one which is celebrated with a song by the Beatles...and I wonder, "will you still love me?"
Since the Boomer generation started coming of age (funny how the children of the 60's are now in their 60's) I have spent some time looking at my generation,at what we have accomplished. And I must say that despite the fears of so many of our elders when we were enjoying our youth, I am proud of us, what as a generation we did. Now looking forward I can see that there is still so much to be done, wars are still being fought, the poor are still with us, racism still rears its head now and again, the environment is sorely in need of help. I can only hope that our generation does not take a back seat now, thinking that our work is done, but that we lean our full support of the younger generations and help them to shape a better world. To that I dedicate my coming years.
Friday, July 16, 2010
I Am Woman

This is from my files from back when a friend that I had not seen in years asked me to tell something about myself. The posting now was prompted by my sister telling a little about who she was and that reminded me of this old piece that was actually saved on a floppy.
I am Woman, hear me roar! I am a warrior. I am a peacemaker. I am Tigger. I am Pooh. I am Wise Old Owl. I am gloomy Eyore. I am a shy violet, the bold tiger lily and the questioning daisy, loves me, loves me not. I am a romantic. I am a realist. I am a republicrat. I’m cool. I’m hot! I am the surprise in the box of Cracker Jacks, the cherry on top of the ice cream sundae. I am a fine Boudreaux. I am bubbly Champagne. I am a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a mother and a grandmother. I am a friend. I am a lover. Anything else is still to be discovered.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Peer Power

Recently a friend posted pictures on Facebook from his 40th class reunion. He commented on how changed everyone was and that if not for the name tags he would not have known many of them. In the years since graduation, he had only kept in touch with a few and now via the wonders of the internet has reconnected with a few others.
This got me thinking back to my high school days. Days when everything about you, your clothes, your music, the people you hung out with, were all influenced by a desire to be part of that group. There were very few who made the decision at that age to simply be themselves.
I was one of those lucky enough to be able to move from one group to another but even then I was conscious of how I wanted to be seen by each of those groups. As the fifth member of my family to attend the school, I was met with a preconceived image of who I was and for the most part went along with this image. It was during one year spent away at a different school that I dared to really be me and let some of this show when I returned for my final year at the school.
It was not until I went away to college that I truly let myself free and did not weight every decision on how I thought it would be accepted or rejected by the "IN" kids.
Many of us based our opinion of who we were on the opinions of others. People who no longer matter in our lives. It made me wonder if I would have been a different person had I had the courage back then to simply be me.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Slipped Upon The Banana Peel

In the wake of the sentencing of Lindsay Lohan to 90 days jail and the avalanche of "humorous" posting online, the quick laugh sound bite on the late shows, I started to think about some of the things that we find funny when we are told that it is suppose to be funny by way of how it is being presented to us.
Humor is found in the public dissolution of a marriage, infidelity,political scandal, drug abuse, a young girl spiraling downward. I wonder would we find humor in the situation if, for say, Jay Leno or Letterman were to send one of their "interns" to the site of a horrific air crash and proceed to make jokes about unused frequent flyer miles.
I imagine it is something like the banana peel skits where the humor is somewhat out of relief that it is not us. Even though I can sit back now and think of this, I will find myself indulging in a laugh that is at the expense of someone else. I am not proud of this and would like to think that it is an uncontrolled human reaction rather than a defect in me. I can only strive to be a better person and make every effort not to be the cause of adding to another's pain.
Slow Road to Recovery
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Snail Mail

I just heard that the postal service plans to increase the cost of First Class mail again by 2 cents in January 2011. I glanced over at my supplies and I have a couple of sheets of Forever stamps which I will replenish before the increase. These stamps last me for quite some time as I do very little snail mail. Most of my bills are paid online and unlike in the past I send out very few holiday cards.The most common item in my mail, other than bills, seems to be advertising materials which go directly from the mail into my recycle bin.
Despite the beautiful cards and stationary that is available, not to mention the writing instruments that have come a long way in the area of comfort, I doubt that I will be using many stamps. Sad, I know!
I was never much of a letter writer, strange for someone who loves to write, but I find the physical task of taking pen to paper detrimental to the flow of words. Poor penmanship coupled with an injury to my writing hand makes this a task that I dislike. And there is something impersonal about a letter to a loved one that is not handwritten. Confused? Well, so am I as I feel that if you are going to take the time to put your words to a loved one on paper then you should make it more personal with it being handwritten.
Now the keyboard is a different story as the words flow and my fingers barely notice the task. I wish I was better at the art of letter writing as I do enjoy reading a well-written letter and feel somewhat selfish as I don't expend the same amount of thought in responding. I don't think I am alone in this disability as even the few letters that I receive tend to be more like notes.
As for the business letter or letter of complaint, those I can do with ease and have the skill of putting just the right amount of humor into my complaints or the right amount of righteous indignity to get results. The well written letter of complaint regarding products or services have over the years resulted in refunds, free products, etc. My letters to my Congressman or Senators have always garnered responses. Therefore, I can see spending the time and the stamp to get them delivered.
Perhaps if I work on the art of personal letter writing, looking at it much the same as my other writing rather than a "chore" I will start to send these out once more. I would like to think that I can accomplish this as a goal, something to add to my bucket list. For now, dear friends, you must know that I do care deeply as I put finger to keyboard and with a few quick strokes send my words flying your way!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The Joy of Books
So to the Writers, Publishers, Bookstores, I say, don't forget us, your readers who so enjoy your words in the print on paper format!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Josh Groban - "You Raise Me Up" Official Music Video
I have loved listening to his voice since his discovery. He was amazing then and continues to be one of the most amazing voices that I have heard. It is so pure and makes one feel as if every word was truly meant by him.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Largest July 4th Fireworks Display in America
Since I will not be here to post on the 4th here is a little bit of a show for everyone! Have a great day.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
John Barrowman- Putting It Together Blooper
Still one of my favorite moments..Carol as usual is hilarious. And John's reaction!!!
Fourth of July

It is coming up and everyone that I talk to has plans. As for me, I have seen enough fireworks to last me the rest of my life. At least seeing them as the only attraction of the event. I still love a good concert accompanied by a fireworks display. This year, however, I will be staying at home and listening to some good music, eating some good food, enjoying friends and listening to the sounds of the surrounding parks as they put on a display. The fourth has come to be more about the fireworks and less about the meaning behind the founding of this nation. We, and here I mean our government, for the most part forget these values until it it politic to hold forth.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The Kiss
“Lord! I wonder what fool it was that first invented kissing. “
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) Irish author and clergyman
Consider the kiss. What an odd, intriguing, and absurd concept, this pressing of lobes, this mating of faces.
Ah, the kiss. Obscene and brutal? Or magnificent, erotic? A tribute? An insult? Whatever the form, it does span mouths and hearts and time. There are too many kinds to count, this mirror of emotion, purveyor of desire:
The Judas kiss, low as a snake and deadly as sin. The obligatory kiss to Aunt Jane, whose breath is stale with age and cigarettes smoked. The perfunctionary peck upon the cheek, a greeting here, perhaps sincere but perhaps not. A parent’s worried lips to the child’s fevered brow. And what of the kiss of comfort, the one that absorbs even a little of the grief while a loved one sleeps in a silk-lined box? Kisses sweet, brief, given without thought or considered at length. An apology even, when words are too hard to say.
The lover’s kiss: prelude to passion each mortal strives to perfect with varying degrees of success. Mustn’t be too sloppy or too dry; the timing is crucial, too; when to begin as important as knowing the moment it is meant to be over.
Is it tentative or hungry? Is it reciprocated, or rejected with the turn of the cheek, mauling the ego more deftly than any two-fisted blow? The cheek will not do, not when lips are destined to meet and seek a fit as intimate as hip to hip.
A tracing of the lips with the tip of the tongue, dip, taste of the tender, fleshy lobes, around, under, and finally between. The tongue is taken into the dark, moist chamber. Textures there, be it raw silk or rough as the kitten’s tiny bumps coated with cream. Can you hear the accelerated breathing; maybe it is ragged, harsh, and a little raw? Breaths mingle, exchanging flavors, longing. Teeth close, claiming a tongue, a bite, just a tiny pressure, a groan, a sigh. Reverse the exploration.
And then eyes peek open, affirming that this feeling is mutual and unfeigned. Now the deepening of it, the slanting of lips, the tongue thrusts, the increasing wetness and carnivorous nibbles as they devour each other..
It is delicious. Absolutely divine. His lips skim down to her chin, he sips and the delicate jut. Unwilling to relinquish and yet feeling the natural course playing to the end. Their eyes open and meet and no words are needed. If it is good, it is the best part of heaven; if not, they part knowing the kiss was fatal and this is good-bye.
Consider the kiss. A concept worthy of thought, though one better pondered with nimble lips rather than words.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Wild Things
In the book by Maurice Sendak, Where The Wild Things Are, Max, in his wolf suit, makes mischief until his mother in exasperation calls him a wild thing. "I'll eat you up." Max says and is sent to bed without his supper. There in his dreams, he travels to the "place where the wild things are" and they roar their terrible roars and gnash their terrible teeth and roll their terrible eyes and show their terrible claws" until Max command, "Be still" and tames them with his magic trick of staring into their eyes.
All of us have wild things within us, the feeling that we must learn to control. Emotions that can get us into trouble but at the same time are essential to conjuring up the creatures that make life interesting. It is our ability to control with out quashing that makes us optimistic. Optimism is dependent upon our ability to become King of all the wild things.
It requires mothers/friends who will send us to bed without our supper, but will keep it warm as well and welcome us back from where the wild things roam. It is from this family that we learn the magic tricks that we need to make us feel like a King.
Let the rumpus begin!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Where The Wild Things Are
In the book by Maurice Sendak, Where The Wild Things Are, Max, in his wolf suit, makes mischief of one kind or another until his mother, in exasperation, calls him a wild thing. "I'll eat you up!" Max says menacingly, and is sent to bed without his supper. There in his dreams he travels to the "place where wild things are," and they "roar their terrible roars and gnash their terrible teeth and roll their terrible eyes and show their terrible claws" until Max commands "Be still!" and tames them with the magic trick of staring into all their yellow eyes without blinking.
All of us have "wild things" within us, the tumult of inner feelings that each of us must learn to tame. Our emotions can get us into trouble in our relationships. But these same feelings are essential if we are to conjure the creatures that make life interesting. It is our ability to control these feelings without quashing them that makes us optimistic. Optimism is dependent upon our ability to become king of all the wild things.
It requires mothers/friends who will send us to bed without supper but who will keep it warm as well, ready for our return, lonely, from where the wild things are. It is thru our family and friends that we learn the magic tricks we need to make us feel like kings. Let the rumpus begin!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Recovery Continues
Now I have no plans at this time to even use their services, I am slowing recovering from the injury ( some things just take longer as you get older) and most lawyers want you to continue seeing a doctor until claim is settled. I don't like going to a doctor unless I have no other option and as for now I find that Tylenol PM, Advil, and cold compresses are working for me.
If the pain continues or gets worse then I will follow their advice.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Time Goes By
I have managed to get some writing done on my children's story and that does continue to go well. I have worked on organizing all of my photos, a major undertaking. Things have been hampered by an accident a couple of weeks ago. I was crossing the street when hit by a truck, the driver was on his cell phone and did not see me. I had bruises from chest to knee, a mild concussion, one broken rib, back contusions..the back and right knee continue to bother me but this I think will ease with time.